Author's Comments

Dear Reader,
The Ed Hendler bridge, a cable-stayed bridge much better known to denizens of the Tri-Cities as "The Cable Bridge" is one of three major bridges across the Columbia River. It is perhaps the best known and most beautiful landmark in the Tri-Cities other than the Columbia River herself (the Blue Bridge, an arch-truss bridge painted--you guessed it!--blue, is another contender). At night, when the lights are turned on, it looks like fairy-silk stretched across the river between Kennewick and Pasco.
I've been saving it for just the right book.
Mercy's world is changing and the Columbia Basin Pack is in the center of this new twist. Partly this is happenstance--the pack lives closer to a fae reservation than any other pack. Partly it is due to Mercy's friendship with the crusty and powerful iron-kissed fae who was once the Dark Smith of Dronheim. But mostly it is because any author who wants to write interesting stories needs to be willing to torture their characters. I hope you enjoy the ride more than Mercy is going to!
All Best,
Patricia Briggs