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Physical Description

Cry Wolf

  • Her hands were callused and strong, with nails trimmed blunt. The short sleeves of her dress showed muscles gained both from her work and from running as a wolf in the wilds of the nearby hills. Her nose, which she despaired of, was long and strong, with a delightful little bump on the end121


Appearances & Mentions

Alpha & Omega Series #1:Cry Wolf



Cry Wolf

  • Omega111



Family & Significant Other

Mate - Asil Moreno


Character Traits & Facts

Education, Work Experience & Languages

Spirituality & Personality

Cry Wolf

  • Would never turn up her nose at business121

Talents & Skills

Health & Fitness


Cry Wolf

  • Had always hated to be interrupted in the middle of mixing her medicines121


Name: Sarai

Appearances and Mentions:

A&O 1b: Cry Wolf

Gender: Female

Classification: Werewolf [Pack Affiliation] Spain | Omega See Werewolf Ethology

Classification Description: markings like a German shepherd fawn with black points and back with white on her left front foot, the first two toesCW-212 [Changed] N/A

Sarai Guardian

Children: N/A

Significant Other: [Mate] See Asil

Residence: Asil House Spain | See Blueprints and Property Descriptions

Occupation: An herbalistCW-174

Physical Description: She was beautiful to Asil, even though he knew that others might not find her so. Her hands were callused and strong, with nails trimmed blunt. The short sleeves of her dress showed muscles gained both from her work and from running as wolf in the wilds of nearby hills. Her nose, which she despaired of, was long and strong, with a delightful little bump on the endCW-121

Character Traits & Facts:

From Cry Wolf: hated to be interrupted in the middle of mixing her medicinesCW-121 taught Asil how to grow plants indoorsCW-174 their mate bond brought with it an unusual gift, empathyCW-211 tortured to death by the witch Mariposa, who used her pain and death to gain powerCW-128 would never kill anyone without causeCW-171 when Asil found her body he washed it clean then burned it with salt and holy water even though none of the witches involved with her death were of those families that played with the dead; he wanted there no way they could raise her from the deadCW-171 barely hunted on full-moon nightsCW-173 sold her herbs to witches until the vendettas between the witch families made it too dangerousCW-174 she knew most of the witches in their part of Spain; she had done considerable trade with Mariposa's familyCW-213 had been a warrior in her own rightCW-254

sarai.1651814998.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/05 22:29 by theirine