2025 In-Person Appearances

Limited 2025 Appearances

Patty is currently making very limited appearances and signings in 2025. She has a lot of upcoming deadlines so she's focusing on those commitments. We will update event times and locations here closer to the confirmed dates.

FYI, with any new release Patty will be signing books for several bookstores, as well as for The Signed Page and Adventures Underground so you can order your autographed copies from them when available! You are also welcome to send your books to Patty for autographs any time as well; we ask that you include a stamped and self addressed envelope so we can send the books right back and a note saying how you want her to sign them ("Patty loves me best," etc.).

Our mailing address is Ann Peters // P.O. Box 5394, Benton City, WA, 99320.
--Ann the trusty assistant

These are Patty's confirmed 2025 appearances for now. Stay Tuned!

June 13-15, 2025: Poznan, Poland
Pyrkon: Fantastic Meeting Place
August 28-Sept 1, 2025: Atlanta, GA
Dragon Con