Giveaway Alpha & Omega Hardcover
Illustrated Signed Special Edition
Open to International Entries
November 5, 2022

A reader has kindly donated a copy of the Special Edition Alpha & Omega hardcover for us to giveaway. This was published by Subterranean Press back in 2009 and rare to find now. The initial print run were all signed by Patty but she'll personalize it for the winner.
You can enter here on the widget below in a variety of ways across Social Media but only one entry is needed to win so if you're not on some of the platforms you don't need to enter them all. This giveaway is open for International readers.
Be aware that this is the only way to enter the giveaway. If you're contacted in comments or DMs across Patty's Social Media telling you that you've won, those are scammers looking to score your personal and financial information. We won't ever ask you to pay to win anything.
This giveaway will run November 6, 2022 through to November 14, 2022. The winner's name will be posted on the widget here on Patty's website and they'll be contacted via how they entered. Please be vigilant with your personal information.
Goodluck all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Hardcover Soul Taken
One for US Readers Named Jamie
Two For US Readers - Not Named Jamie
September 13, 2022
We have three hardcover copies of Soul Taken to giveaway to US readers. Two are unsigned and due to unfortunate typo for a reader named Jaime, the third hardcover is autographed to Jamie. So if your name is Jamie you're in luck! If you don't mind a book not autographed to you then please do enter for the Jamie book. It would be nice for a Jamie to win it but if you're okay with it ,we're okay with it! :D
You can enter here in a variety of ways across Social Media but only one entry is needed to win so if you're not on some of the platforms you don't need to enter them all. Unfortunately, this giveaway is for US readers only over the age of 18 but we'll do something nice for the International readers on the next one.
Goodluck all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway Hardcover Soul Taken
Two For US Readers - One For International Reader
August 31, 2022
To celebrate Soul Taken's first week we're doing a quick giveaway. We're giving away 3 hardcovers of Soul Taken. Two are for US readers and One is for an International Reader. You can enter here in a variety of ways across Social Media but only one entry is needed to win so if you're not on some of platforms you don't need to enter them all.
Goodluck all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Orbit Hardcover Soul Taken Giveaway
Open to International Entries Only
Excluding USA, Canada and The Philippines
August 11, 2022
Patty's UK publisher Orbit is generously providing three hardcovers of Soul Taken for readers. You can enter here in a variety of ways across Social Media but only one entry is needed to win so if you're not on some of platforms you don't need to enter them all.
Due to contract restrictions entries from USA, Canada and The Philippines are EXCLUDED from this giveaway.
Goodluck all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Soul Taken Giveaway
Hardcover/Bookmark/Resin Pin Giveaway
Open to International Entries Only
August 2, 2022
The US publishers do contests for Mercyverse books and merchandise on a semi-regular basis, but Patty's fans who live in other places don't usually get to participate.
We have one hardcover copy of Soul Taken to giveaway. We also have a few limited edition Soul Taken bookmarks and Mercy's Garage resin pins. One lucky winner will get the book with a bookmark and pin. We'll also draw for ten more winners who will receive just the bookmark and pin.
This giveaway will only be open to fans outside the USA.
Goodluck all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Soul Taken Release Date August 23rd
Read Chapter One
July 27, 2022
Mercy Thompson #13: Soul Taken - Chapter One:
Read Here
This isn't the final copyedited form so there may be mistakes that aren't in the final version.
Mini Soul Taken Signing Tour
From August 23 to August 26
July 18, 2022
The Soul Taken release date of August 23rd is fast approaching.
Patty and her publisher have decided to do a mini Soul Taken signing tour! The times for the events will be released closer to the signing dates. Check to see if Patty's coming a location close to you!
August 23, 2022: Seattle WA
University Bookstore
4326 University Way NE.
Phone: (206) 634-3400
Signing begins 6:00PM
Registration Required
August 24, 2022: Houston, TX
Murder By the Book
2342 Bissonnet St.
Phone: (713) 524-8597
Signing starts 6:30PM
Soul Taken must be purchased from MBTB in order to obtain a line number and get anything signed
August 25, 2022: Oklahoma City, OK
Full Circle Bookstore
1900 Northwest Expy
Phone: (405)842-2900
Signing starts 6:30PM
August 26, 2022: Okemos, MI
Schuler Books
1982 W Grand River Rd
Phone: (517)349-8840
Signing starts 7:00PM
Registration Required
Possible Mercy Thompson Television Show?
Amazon Prime
April 19, 2022
It is possible, and even probable, that Patty's readers all over the
world can hear us screaming right now. These are screams of delight,
though, so never fear!
For the past many months, the trusty assistant has had her mouth firmly
duct taped, and Patty has been biting her tongue so hard that Marsilia's
seethe has developed an unhealthy interest in that appendage. However,
we have received official permission to share our Big News, and Patty
can now ice down her poor tongue, and Ann can try to pull her hair free
from the duct tape.
We are SO excited to share that Amazon Prime has optioned the rights to
make a Mercy Thompson series!
Yes, that's right! And yes, we are listening to your own screams now!
You may also join us in jumping up and down and squealing like rowdy
Before we get too excited (oops, too late!😂), this is merely an option
- they haven't actually started anything yet, and they might not - the
contract says they have eighteen months to move forward with this
project. (The trusty assistant has threatened to smite them if they
don't run with it, though, and Patty has a backhoe; no one will ever
know, right?)
Assuming they do move forward with it, there are things we must all keep
in mind:
- Patty will have no say in the casting. Zero. Zip. Nada. If
your favorite actor isn't cast, it's not her fault, honest, so please
don't send us hate mail about it! We do realize this will be a hot
topic of discussion, and it's fun to dream, so we will be starting a
separate Facebook page for you to hypothesize and chat about casting to
your hearts' content. We'll post that link soon.
- It is inevitable that a dramatic series will differ from the
books in at least some ways. Also, it will be very different from what
is in our heads. Not everyone will be happy with the end result. We
are expecting that. The bottom line is that it will be based on Patty's
characters and books, so we know it will be a darned fine story, no
matter what. We just need to keep open minds. Patty has made the very
difficult decision to entrust these wonderful and creative people with
her "children," and we are excited to see what they will do with her
fictional family and how they will grow. It should be an incredible
- And speaking of bottom lines, if the series gets made, it will
pay for a new hay barn for Patty's precious horses, so we are therefore
completely delighted with this project far, far in advance! Anything
that benefits Patty's horses is completely delightful and admirable!
(That's your cue to agree with us!ðŸ˜) So. That's our exciting news, and
that's why we can't concentrate on "real" work today, LOL! It's hard to
focus when we're dreaming of the Mercyverse on screen! We're trying to
not get too crazy excited until this moves forward from an option to a
project...but who are we kidding, right? We're excited, no matter what
happens! It is an honor for Patty's work to be considered, and the
trusty assistant has her heart set on a selfie in a director's chair
(when the director isn't there, of course). We're in a "wait and see"
mode, possibly for eighteen months. Crossed fingers!
We will share details with you as we receive them.
Tomorrow we will go back to proper work. Today, we are dreaming!
Dating Terrors Snippet
Heroic Hearts Anthology
April 19, 2022
This is the fourth date in Asil's dating adventures but in only the third short story. What does that mean??
Date #1 - "Underappreciated Gifts" is in the anthology - A Fantastic Holiday Season
Date #2 - Exists only as a mention in the second short story. It won't be written as a short story on its own.
Date #3 - "Asil and the Not-Date" is in the anthology - Fanatasic Hope
Date #4 - "Dating Terrors" will be released on May 3, 2022 in the Heroic Hearts Anthology.
Out of the mud-spattered car, the most beautiful man she had ever seen emerged. He glanced at them, then walked around the front of his car. He strode through the downpour with no more notice than if he’d been walking through dry sunshine as his shirt darkened and clung to every cut inch of him. It was an effect she’d have expected in a men’s cologne commercial or one of those racy Calvin Klein ads. She’d never seen anything like it in real life. He stepped across the torrent of water without visible effort or a break in stride. His movement made her mouth dry and her pulse speed up—not a reaction she welcomed just now.

The Real Soul Taken Snippet
Can You Spot the Difference?
April 2, 2022
As many of you guessed the snippet was an April Fool's post. The snippet is real, Christy being there is not.
Would Patty be so cruel as to add Christy into the pack? Maybe...but not today. :D :D Thanks for playing along.
The team of wolves inside the corn maze had been making a lot of noise for a while. Sometimes it sounded like just over the wall of corn and sometimes further away–as was consistent with wolves playing tag in a maze. Everyone was looking at Adam and I, and Adam was looking at me–so I was the only one who saw Zack burst out of the exit.
He was running at top speed, his raised fist displayed a multitude of damp ribbons that proved he’d found the waypoints scattered throughout the maze. His face was turned to look behind him and held a sort of gleeful terror that told me Sherwood (our designated maze monster) was in hot pursuit.
I didn’t even have time to open my mouth to warn anyone.
Zack’s shoulder hit George at full speed, knocking the much bigger man into the mass of the gathered people. Zack, himself, tumbled all the way over George’s falling body and into Mary Jo, who dropped more from the unexpectedness of the impact than its force.
Just before Mary Jo hit the ground, a giant wolf leaped over the top of the cornstalks–which was a feat that not all the wolves in our pack would have managed because the wall of the maze was not only nearly ten feet tall but at least that wide--and this wolf did it missing one rear leg. From my vantage place on Adam’s lap, I could see the instant in which Sherwood (the three-legged wolf) took in the whole scene.
I had no doubt that he could have landed safely. But with an expression of satisfaction in his eyes, he chose to belly flop in the deepest part of the puddle I’d already fallen into. I felt just the lightest touch of magic, then everyone, including Adam and I, was doused with icy mudwater.
Zack crawled off the top of the pile of people, wiped his face with his forearm, then showed Adam and I the fistful of ribbons, now even wetter than before. “I brought out all fifteen ribbons. My whole team gets steak dinner at Uncle Mike’s, right?”
April Fool's Soul Taken Snippet
A Thank You To Everyone!
April 1, 2022
Soul Taken will be out on August 23 and you've all be so incredibly patient and kind about the later release date. As a big thank you, we're giving you a sneak peek.
Patty has the best readers. Enjoy your gift!
Edit: Would Patty be so cruel as to add Christy into the pack? Maybe...but not today. Happy April's Fool Day
The team of wolves inside the corn maze had been making a lot of noise for a while. Sometimes it sounded like just over the wall of corn and sometimes further away–as was consistent with wolves playing tag in a maze. Everyone was looking at Adam and I, and Adam was looking at me–so I was the only one who saw Christy burst out of the exit.
She was running at top speed, her raised fist displayed a multitude of damp ribbons that proved she’d found the waypoints scattered throughout the maze. Her face was turned to look behind her and held a sort of gleeful terror that told me Sherwood (our designated maze monster) was in hot pursuit.
I didn’t even have time to open my mouth to warn anyone.
Christy’s shoulder hit George at full speed, knocking the much bigger man into the mass of the gathered people. Christy, herself, tumbled all the way over George’s falling body and into Mary Jo, who dropped more from the unexpectedness of the impact than its force.
Just before Mary Jo hit the ground, a giant wolf leaped over the top of the cornstalks–which was a feat that not all the wolves in our pack would have managed because the wall of the maze was not only nearly ten feet tall but at least that wide--and this wolf did it missing one rear leg. From my vantage place on Adam’s lap, I could see the instant in which Sherwood (the three-legged wolf) took in the whole scene.
I had no doubt that he could have landed safely. But with an expression of satisfaction in his eyes, he chose to belly flop in the deepest part of the puddle I’d already fallen into. I felt just the lightest touch of magic, then everyone, including Adam and I, was doused with icy mudwater.
Christy crawled off the top of the pile of people, wiped her face with her forearm, then showed Adam and I the fistful of ribbons, now even wetter than before. “I brought out all fifteen ribbons. My whole team gets steak dinner at Uncle Mike’s, right?”
A Letter From Patricia
New Release Date For Soul Taken
August 23, 2022
March 22, 2022
Dear Reader,
Thank you for your patience. First the bad news. I was hopeful I would finish this book sooner, but I turned in the manuscript to my editor on Sunday night/Monday morning (3/20). There will be several editing passes before it’s ready to be printed and lots of coordination. Once I missed the first deadline, we (my publisher and I) made a command decision to take the time to make sure this book is the way I want it to be. That means the new and final publication date for Soul Taken is August 23rd, 2022.
Once again I want to express my gratitude to my wonderful editor, Anne Sowards, and all of the folks at Penguin Random House. They have never been anything but supportive throughout this. And I am so very appreciative of you, my imaginary friends’ best friends, who have been encouraging in texts, emails, and social media. I think that the plague years have been really hard on everyone, and I am very lucky to work with such wonderful people.
The good news is that the book is actually done. I’m happy with it–and it is a fair bit longer than the usual Mercy book. Not George R. R. Martin or Brandon Sanderson long, but long enough to do the job. Usually when I’m slow delivering a book, it’s because the book is giving me fits. That is not the case with Soul Taken. I loved working on it, loved the premise, and loved delving deeper into some of the characters who’ve been with us since Moon Called. It was not the book’s fault that the world had two years of plague.
Mercy says “Excuses are not welcome. Just say you’re sorry and get on with it.” So, I’m sorry, the book is getting primped and polished for its debut in August–and I am getting started writing Mercy’s next adventure.
Patricia Briggs
Patty in the Wild
In-Person Appearances This Year
March 13, 2022
Patty is making very limited in-person appearances and signings in 2022.
Right now she's attending two conventions:
May 27-30, 2022
Missoula, Montana
MisCon 36
Patty is the Special Guest of Honor for the Con and Charlaine Harris is the Author Guest of Honor
More details to come as we get closer to the Con dates.
September 1-5, 2022
Atlanta, Georgia
Dragon Con
More details to come as we get closer to the Con dates.
Wild Sign Paperback Giveaway
Enter February 14-21
International Entries Welcome
February 13, 2022
Wild Sign is coming out in paperback on February 22, 2022!
To celebrate we're giving away two copies, one for US readers and one for International readers. Enter in the widgets below. There are four ways to enter but you only need one entry in order to win.
Winners will receive their book from either Amazon or Book Depository. So sorry, no, they won't be signed by Patty! Good luck everyone!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
End of an Era
Hurog Messageboard
Briggsverse Wiki
By: Linda
January 1, 2022
Happy New Year Everyone!
Readers who follow Patty on her social media will know that we made the decision to close down the Hurog messageboard on December 31, 2021.
If you were unfamiliar with it, the Hurog Messageboard was a part of Patty's website and it went live back in 2007. Although not as busy as it was in its heyday there was still a strong and vibrant community of members that posted there so we didn't want to remove the messageboard without offering them an alternative. As a result, we opened up an Official Patricia Briggs Discord Server.
If you’re not aware of what Discord is it’s very similar to a messageboard format and you can use it on your computer browser, their desktop app and/or on a mobile device.
Removing the messageboard is most definitely the end of an era but it was a wild and wonderful ride while it lasted. We'll miss it but it's time to move on.
This leads us to the second part of our news. If the messageboard is gone where is the Mercyverse canon?
We've created a Briggsverse Wiki, there's a link here on the website banner. It will eventually house the canon for all of Patty's works as well as some FAQ and archived information from the messageboard that we didn't want to lose, like some of Mike's posts as well as the "Ask Patty" section.
Is the canon complete? No, it's bare bones right now but it's being worked daily.
How do you view it? You'll need to register through an email. After doing this you'll have access to see the Wiki.
Registering an email is a way for us to cut down on bots and scammers. After registering you're able to view and explore it. The Wiki will be updated daily so be sure to check back.